Sunday, June 23, 2013

Viruses on Macs????

 Mac users don't like to think about antivirus and anti-spyware programs.  I argued with a few Mac tech support people about whether you need anti-virus programs, over the years.  As a tech support person, I have seen viruses on Macs, but it is funny that people believe marketing more then they would believe a techie. [But that is a whole new subject which I will address at some point!] However, it is now Mac anti-virus programs are becoming a necessity.

Snow Leopard includes an antivirus utility. Apple has released little information about it. So, it's hard to tell if it is good it is. Plus, it's unclear if Apple updates it regularly.
However, there are third-party programs you can use.  In my Introduction to computers class, a student of mine asked me which free programs she could use on her Mac. The free ClamXav, Sophos or AVG are available for Macs.

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