Friday, November 8, 2013

Convert text to image, and image to text

create your own favicon for your website with

Generate your own favorite icon using your favorite image. Image formats that are supported include: GIF, JPG and PNG formats.
go to

Favicon Generation Tips
 Keep the graphic simple. You don't have a lot of space to work with, so focus on the most important parts. Complex logos and graphics don't work well.
 Start with a square image. The favicon will be scaled to be square. If you start with a rectangle it will be distorted.
Scrolling Text (optional):

Thank You

Thank you for using the Free Favicon favicon generator! Your favicon preview is below.
If you like your favicon we appreciate you taking the time to mention our service to others, blogging about us and of course by linking to us.
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By signing up for Backblaze you help keep Free Favicon free!
Join the Free Favicon Web Tips Newsletter
Now that you have created and downloaded your favicon Join the Free Favicon Web Tips Newsletter and get new web tips and tricks delivered right to your inbox. We want to help you get the most from your website.

Your Preview:

favicon ico Preview
favicon ico Preview favicon ico Preview favicon ico Preview
favicon ico Preview
NEW! Animated Favicon!
favicon ico Preview
favicon ico Preview favicon ico Preview favicon ico Preview
favicon ico Preview
Download your new favicon ico file:
favicon ico download

So how do you download and USE your new favicon.ico? It's easy!

  1. Click "Download Favicon", download package, unzip it and then open it. Your favicon.ico is located in it.
  2. Upload the favicon.ico file to your web site root folder (make sure it goes into your root directory where your index page is located).
  3. Between your and tags enter the follow code: 
  4. Just read the text file that comes in the .zip and you can begin using your new favicon asap!
Depending on your ISP and sometimes your system's caching, it may take up to 48 hours to start seeing your new favicon, so don't worry if you don't see it right away!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I just got a notice from the IRS saying my Federal Tax payment was rejected - SPAM ALERT Phishing

This is an old spoof, spam, phishing technique, which is back! It is used because the IRS gets peoples attention, and most people are confused by the IRS so it is easy to scam people. Unlike ones from the back which are obvious, because you dont have a bank account in that particular bank, or from debt collectors, because you dont have any debt with them.
The bottom line is the IRS contact people via mail, with a phone number on the letter. It looks legit but when you look at the email address and the mailing address it is not the IRS.
to contact the IRS go to  Never click on a link!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

How do I get to any settings in windows 8????

press the windows key and c
Go to settings.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where's the Desktop?

Press the windows key and D for desktop. Wala!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

How to Power Off Windows in one Picture

How do you shut off Windows 8?

It was never intuitive. why did you go to START to Shut down your computer?  Why was there never a shut off button?? Seems easy enough. But now MS takes away the start button, so How do you shut it down now????


Shutting off Windows used to be a simple matter of clicking the Start button and choosing the "Shut down" option. But the Windows 8 has no Start button. So how do you shut it down?

The quick way: press the Windows key and the i key to the Power button.

The old fashion way which is quicker then the new menus:

Press Windows key for the Desktop and press Alt/F4.

The most basic way to shut down Windows 8 is through the Charms bar.
 Hover lower right corner of the screen. The Charms bar should then pop up displaying several icons. Moving your mouse up the screen will reveal the names of each icon, including Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings. Click the Settings icon and then the Power Icon. You should see three options: Sleep, Restart, and Shut down. Clicking Shut down will close Windows 8 and turn off your PC.

Another alternative is to sign out of your account and then shut down. You can either click your account photo or image at the top or press Ctrl/Alt/Del. Click the option to sign out. That will bring you to the opening screen for Windows 8 which you then need to pull up to access your login screen. The Shut down icon will be in the lower right corner. Click it to reveal the options for Sleep, Restart, and Shut down.
One more option is to switch to the Desktop and press Alt/F4. That will bring up a dedicated Shut down screen where you can choose to put the PC to sleep, restart, or shut down completely. You just need to make sure to save all your work and close all your applications first before you shut down using this method.

Laptop users have yet another way to shut down Windows 8 through the Power settings. Right-click on the hot corner that appears in the lower left of your screen--you can access this from the Metro UI or the Desktop. You should see a popup menu appear with a variety of Windows features, such as Network Connections, System, Device Manager, and Control Panel. Click the option for Control Panel.
Click the category for Hardware and Sound and then click the link for Power Options. From here you can set Windows to shut down if you press the power button or simply close the lid of your laptop.
Though you have several ways of shutting down Windows 8, none of them are quick or convenient. Even with the Start button gone, why didn't Microsoft include a more user-friendly way to close Windows 8?
With the new OS, Microsoft has set up a new hybrid boot-up process that lets you boot up more quickly. But to achieve this faster speed, Windows 8 actually needs to go into hibernation mode rather than a full shut down.
By moving the Shut down option to a more remote spot, Microsoft may be assuming that people will let their PCs hibernate instead of shutting them down completely. But I think users will be thrown by the lack of both START and Shut down button.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Setting up verizon email on windows live


You'll need the following email settings:
  • Incoming mail server (POP3):
  • Incoming Server Port Numbers: 995
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
  • Outgoing Server Port Numbers: 465  Why is this important?
  • Make sure SSL encryption is enabled for the incoming and outgoing mail server.
  • Yoou dont need a microsoft password to use

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

scam calls from Microsoft

NBC News article

Disabling Remote Desktop OR dont let scammers in

Windows Remote Desktop is designed to let  users you designate to login and remotely manage your PC. While this can be useful for support purposes, scammers and malware can use it maliciously. Here's how to disable the Windows Remote Desktop on your PC.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes

Here's How:

  1. Windows XP users, follow steps 2 thr ough 5.
    Windows 7 users, skip to step 6. Windows 8 step 7.
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Open System
  4. Select the Remote tab
  5. Uncheck Allow users to connect remotely to your computer and click OK
  6. On Windows 7, the Windows Remote Desktop is not enabled by default. If you've previously enabled it, follow steps 7 and below to disable it.
  7. Open Control Panel  In Windows [8 press the windows key and C]
  8. Open System And Security
  9. Open System
  10. Select Remote Settings from the left pane in System to open the System Propertiesdialog box for the Remote tab.
  11. Click Don’t Allow Connections To This Computer and then click OK.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Built In Mac Security Tools

 You just have to enable them.
Just like Windows, there are several versions of Mac OS X. The two most recent – Leopard and Snow Leopard. Most people will have one of these. New Macs come with Snow Leopard.

 Macs have a built-in firewall, but it's turned off by default. You need to activate it.
In Leopard, click the Apple logo at the top of the screen. Select System Preferences. Click on Security, and select the Firewall tab.
Most people will be fine selecting "Allow only essential services." This will block nearly all incoming connections. That keeps hackers from finding your computer with a random search.
You'll still get system updates from Apple. This is a good balance between security and functionality.
However, the firewall may block some applications you want to use. When you open these programs, you'll be prompted to allow incoming connections. If you allow a connection once, the firewall will allow it in the future.

Snow Leopard has a much simpler interface. Click the Apple logo at the top of the screen. Select System Preferences. Click on Security and select the Firewall tab.
Click the lock at the bottom of the window. You'll be asked to enter your log-in information. Then click the Start button to enable the firewall.
You'll get a notification when the firewall blocks a program. Then you can decide whether or not to allow the program. You can manually add programs by clicking Advance,then the plus button.

Mac Users in Shock

A lot of Mac users are in for a shock. The idea that Macs are invulnerable to viruses is an old one. Unfortunately, it isn't true.
That isn't to say viruses are common on Macs. Historically, there have been very few. Meanwhile, there have been tens of thousands on Windows.
However, that was mostly a function of market share. Until recently, Windows was used by over 90 percent of the market. Macs, on the other hand, made up less than 10 percent. In 2007, for example, it was around 6 percent.
That isn't the case anymore. Macs now comprise 16 percent of the U.S. market, and that number is increasing. That's enough for virus writers to take notice.
A major virus for the Mac was recently discovered. It's called MacDefender.

Secure your Mac by Updating it

The process is the same for Leopard and Snow Leopard. Click the Apple logo at the top of the screen. Select System Preferences and then click Software Update.
You want your Mac to check for and download updates automatically. Make sure the boxes labeled "Check for updates" and "Download updates automatically" are checked.
Then click Check Now to check for updates manually. Your Mac will check for new software. Recommended updates will be displayed. If it finds updates, click Install. You may need to reboot the computer after installing

One update may lead to others. When you've installed all available updates, a message will notify you. Operating system updates often plug security holes. PC owners know this very well as Windows is updated weekly.

Viruses on Macs????

 Mac users don't like to think about antivirus and anti-spyware programs.  I argued with a few Mac tech support people about whether you need anti-virus programs, over the years.  As a tech support person, I have seen viruses on Macs, but it is funny that people believe marketing more then they would believe a techie. [But that is a whole new subject which I will address at some point!] However, it is now Mac anti-virus programs are becoming a necessity.

Snow Leopard includes an antivirus utility. Apple has released little information about it. So, it's hard to tell if it is good it is. Plus, it's unclear if Apple updates it regularly.
However, there are third-party programs you can use.  In my Introduction to computers class, a student of mine asked me which free programs she could use on her Mac. The free ClamXav, Sophos or AVG are available for Macs.