Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Disabling Remote Desktop OR dont let scammers in

Windows Remote Desktop is designed to let  users you designate to login and remotely manage your PC. While this can be useful for support purposes, scammers and malware can use it maliciously. Here's how to disable the Windows Remote Desktop on your PC.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes

Here's How:

  1. Windows XP users, follow steps 2 thr ough 5.
    Windows 7 users, skip to step 6. Windows 8 step 7.
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Open System
  4. Select the Remote tab
  5. Uncheck Allow users to connect remotely to your computer and click OK
  6. On Windows 7, the Windows Remote Desktop is not enabled by default. If you've previously enabled it, follow steps 7 and below to disable it.
  7. Open Control Panel  In Windows [8 press the windows key and C]
  8. Open System And Security
  9. Open System
  10. Select Remote Settings from the left pane in System to open the System Propertiesdialog box for the Remote tab.
  11. Click Don’t Allow Connections To This Computer and then click OK.

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