Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Top Keyboard shortcuts for cut copy and paste

Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert and Ctrl+X

Both Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Insert will copy highlighted text or a selected item. If you want to cut an item instead of copying it, press Ctrl+X. This action removes the text or picture and stores it in the clipboard for you, rather than copying it to the clipboard while leaving the original behind.
Apple computer users can substitute the Ctrl key for the command (cmd) key on their computers. For example, pressing Cmd+C copies highlighted text.

Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert

Both Ctrl+V and Shift+Insert will paste the text or object that's stored in the clipboard.
On Apple computers, use Cmd+V instead.
Pressing Ctrl+Z will undo any change. For example, if you cut text, pressing this key combination will undo the cut. These shortcuts can also be pressed multiple times to undo or redo multiple changes. 
On Apple computers, use Cmd+Z to undo.

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